Freitag, 23. November 2012

SYRIA - Syrian Orthodox Archbishop Roham’s appeal to the belligerents: "Save the cities of Kamishly and Hassaké"

Hassaké (Agenzia Fides) - Thousands of innocent civilians and displaced families, including women, old people, children, have taken refuge in the city of Kamishly and Hassaké (eastern Syria), who must absolutely be "preserved and saved by the conflict, in order to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe ": this is the appeal launched through Fides Agency by His Exc. Mgr. Eustathius Matta Roham, Syrian Orthodox Archbishop of the Diocese of Jazirah and Euphrates, which covers the territories of eastern Syria. With regards, in a message sent to Fides, to the situation in his diocese, Mgr. Matta Roham defines it "confused" and describes people "full of fear, especially in Kamishly and Hassaké." "There are over 400,000 people in each of these two major cities - he explains - and Christians are about 20% in each. In addition, thousands of displaced families have come to Kamishly and Hassaké after leaving their homes in ruins in other parts of the country. If one day, God forbid, the war reaches these two cities, there will be a real big disaster for thousands of families and innocent civilians." This is why the Archbishop launches an urgent appeal to the international organizations and all parties in conflict so that "this region can be saved and will remain a safe haven for all in order to save the lives of thousands of families, and avoid an ultimate destruction ". In a message sent to Fides, the Archbishop, looking at the destruction of many places and infrastructures in Syria, says bitterly that "it will take many years to rebuild both the souls and buildings in our country. I pray that justice and peace prevail over this situation of chaos." "The war in Syria - he continues - has caused division among communities in many places and the destruction of many urban areas. On the other hand, it has created solidarity among the majority of people, who refuse to fight and try to take care of the families who are suffering." Mgr. Matta Roham prays the Lord so that "with his wisdom he may lead the parties toward a peaceful solution to the conflict."

(PA) (Agenzia Fides 22/11/2012)


Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop Describes Fears of Syria

His Excelleny Eustathius Matta Roham Explains Plight of Victims of Ongoing Violence

ROME, NOV. 15, 2012 ( The Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Jazirah and the Euprates, His Excellency Eustathius Matta Roham, said that there is a lot of fear among families near the border of Turkey and Syria.
“People are so afraid of a real war that could break out at any time between Turkey and Syria,” he said in an article published earlier this week by the Fides News Agency.

“People are very worried about their children, for women and for their properties. Many of them are always ready to emigrate to Europe and other neighboring countries, which are considered safer. We live in uncertainty: it is very difficult to say what could happen tomorrow," he explained.

The Syrian prelate described the situation of two cities in his diocese: Ras Al-Ayn and Derbasieh. Fighting commenced in Ras Al-Ayn last Thursday, November 8, and it is now occupied by the forces of the Syrian opposition.

“Now it is very risky to go to the city,” he explained. “The current fighting will lead to its destruction. I fear that the fate of our Christian community and churches, as well as that of other communities, will be similar to that of other towns like Homs and Deir Ezzor."

Derbasieh has suffered the same fate, the archbishop added. On November 9th most people fled for fear of being in the crossfire. "The people of Derbasieh was invited to leave their homes, as the opposition forces, which are beyond the border in turkish territory, were ready to occupy the city,” he explained.

“There was also an agreement between the opposition and the local Kurdish community, who represent the majority in Derbasieh: government officials agreed to leave the city without fighting and this agreement saved the lives of many civilians."

400.000 Menschen leben in Angst

ROM, 22. November 2012 ( - Tausende unschuldige Zivilisten und Flüchtlingsfamilien, darunter viele Frauen, ältere Menschen und Kinder haben in den Städten Kamishly und Hassaké (Ostsyrien) Zuflucht gesucht, die deshalb „unbedingt vom Konflikt verschont bleiben müssen, damit eine humanitäre Katastrophe vermieden wird“. Diesen Appell veröffentlichte der syrisch-orthodoxe Erzbischof Eustathius Matta Roham von Jazirah und Euphrat im östlichen Teil des Landes, wie der Fidesdienst berichtet.

In einem Bericht bezeichnet Erzbischof Matta Roham die Situation als „konfus“. Die Menschen seien „verängstigt“, insbesondere auch in Kamishly und Hassaké. „In beiden Städten wohnen über 400.000 Menschen“, so der Kirchenvertreter weiter, „davon sind jeweils etwa 20 Prozent Christen. Außerdem halten sich in Kamishly und Hassaké tausende Flüchtlingsfamilien auf, die ihre zerstörten Wohnungen in anderen Teilen des Landes verlassen mussten. Wenn eines Tages, Gott möge es verhindern, der Krieg auch diese beiden Städte erreicht, dann wird es ein verheerende Katastrophe für tausende Familien und unschuldige Zivilsten geben.“
Deshalb appelliert der Erzbischof an internationale Organisationen und alle Konfliktparteien mit der Bitte, dass „diese Region verschont bleiben möge und damit sicherer Zufluchtsort für alle sein kann und das Leben tausender Familien gerettet wird“. In seiner Botschaft erklärt der Erzbischof mit Blick auf die Zerstörung vieler Städte und Infrastrukturen mit Bedauern, dass „viele Jahre notwendig sein werden, damit sowohl die Seelen als auch die Gebäude unseres Landes wieder hergestellt werden. Ich bete dafür, dass die Gerechtigkeit und der Frieden über dieses Chaos siegen werden.“
„Der Krieg in Syrien“, heißt es weiter, „führt zu Spaltung unter den Gemeinschaften an vielen Orten und zur Verwüstung der Städte. Auf der anderen Seite entsteht aber auch Solidarität unter vielen Menschen, die den bewaffneten Kampf ablehnen und versuchen, Not leidenden Familien zu helfen.“
Bischof Matta Roham betont abschließend, er bete dafür, dass „der Herr alle Konfliktparteien zu einer friedlichen Lösung führen möge.“

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