Montag, 29. April 2013

300 yıllık Süryanice kitap ele geçirildi / Eine 300 Jahre alte syrische Handschrift in der Türkei beschagnahmt

29 Nisan 2013 - 15:02

Van'da polis tarafından gerçekleştirilen operasyonda, 300 yıllık olduğu belirtilen Süryanice kitap ele geçirildi. Olayla ilgili 1 şüpheli gözaltına alındı.

300 yıllık Süryanice kitap ele geçirildi

Murat ÇAĞLAR - Orhan AŞAN / VAN (DHA)
Alınan bir istihbaratı değerlendiren Emniyet Müdürlüğü Kaçakçılık ve Organize Suçlarla Mücadele ekipleri, tarihi eser kaçakçılarının peşine düştü. Yapılan teknik takip sonucu şüpheli A.Ö., Şerefiye Mahallesi Musa Anter Parkı'nda yakalandı. A.Ö.'nün üzerini arayan polisler, keçi derisiyle kaplı filigranlı yağlı kağıda el yazısı ile yazılmış ve yaklaşık 300 yıllık olduğu belirtilen Süryanice dini bir kitap ele geçirdi. Kitabın bilirkişi tarafından yapılan incelemesinde orijinal olduğu ve paha biçilemediği belirtildi. Kaçakçılıkla ilgili A.Ö. gözalaltına alınırken, soruşturma sürüyor.

Es handelt sich um eine ostsyrische liturgische Hudra/Fankitho-Handschrift, die in der osttürkischen Provinz Van ins Netzt der Fahnder ging. Vermutlich wurde sie von einer ostsyrischen Kirche entwendet. Solche Handschriften sind meistens im Besitz der Kirchen.
Gabriel Rabo

Zum Video der Handschrift

Priceless 300-year-old religious manuscript in Syriac discovered in eastern province

A 300-year-old religious manuscript has been seized by the police in the eastern province of Van.

The Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Department units of the Van police have detained one suspect and seized the manuscript after receiving a tip on the matter.

The manuscript, which is written in Syriac on watermarked paper and covered with goat skin, is around 300 years old, according to experts.

Experts confirmed that the manuscript is original and priceless after an initial examination.

April/29/2013, English: Hürriyet.

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Firat News Agency: Kayıp bir Süryani manastırın izinde...

Medeniyetler beşiği olduğu kadar 'medeniyetler mezarlığı' da olan Mezopotamya havzasının orta yerinde, Dicle'nin kıyısında kayıp bir manastır. 98 yıl önce, 1915 jenosidinde rahipleri ve bütün sakinleri katledilen, yıkıma terk edilen 1200 yıllık Süryani manastırının adı; Mor Aho. Duvarları zamana meydan okuyor. Üst üste yıkılmış bu duvarlar esamisi okunmayan bir tarihin ayakta kalan tek tanığı.

Baharın ilk günleri. Doğanın yeşile, renk cümbüşüne büründüğü anlar. Hasankeyf, Dicle'nin üzerinden kalkan toz bulutu arasında zar zor belirliyor. Bu, baraj altında kalacak eski Hasankeyf'in karşısında Raman dağı eteklerinde inşa edilen 'yeni Hasankeyf' için verilen hummalı çalışmanın tozu. Tarihin son tozu, iş makinelerinin tozu için kayboluyor. Greyderler Dicle'nin bu yakasında yeni yollar açıyor, birbirine ardına dizilmiş dev tırlar malzeme taşıyor.

Dağın yamaçlarında dikilen TOKİ evleri Mezopotamya havzasına saklı medeniyetler mezarlığının ucube taşları gibi Dicle'ye bakıyor. Şairin dediği olmayacak; Dicle içinden geçtiği toprakları, ülkeleri sormadan akamayacak.

Arkamızda Hasankeyf'i bırakarak Midyat yoluna sapıyoruz. Niyetimiz haritada olmayan, sadece ismi bilinen, baraj suları altında kalma tehlikesi bulunan Süryani Mor Aho Manastırı'nın son kalıntılarını bulmak. Mart'ın son günlerinde Dicle Haber Ajansı, Hasankeyf'e 3 km uzaklıktaki Süryani yerleşim merkezi Attafiye köyünün barajın üzerinde yapılan yeni köprü inşaatının altında kaldığını bildirmişti.

Süryani kaynakları bir zamanlar o köyde "Mor Gevargis" ve "Mort Şmuni" kiliselerinin bulunduğunu not etmişti. Aradığımız manastırın ise köyün arkasında başlayan dağların yamacına asılı gibi durduğu söylenmişti. Üstelik sadece ismi bilinen manastırı Kültür Bakanlığı koruma altına almıştı. Ama civarda bunu belirtecek hiç bir tabela, hiç bir yol işareti yok. Malzeme taşıyan kamyonları takip ediyoruz, şoförlere manastırı soruyoruz.
Tepelerin yamacında aracı bozulan şoförlerden birinin "Yok, bir şey kalmadı burada, son köylerini de geçen hafta yıktı" diye bağıran sesi yankılanıyor. Artık asfalt yoldan ayrılan patika yollar da bitiyor, yaya olarak devam ettiğimiz yolculuğun yaklaşık 200 metresinde boy veren buğdayların arasında ucu görünün, yıkılmış bir duvar yükseliyor. Yaklaştıkça duvarlar uzayıp gidiyor.

Aslında köşelerindeki duvarlar dışında sağlam kalan hiç bir şey yok. Duvarlar da yaklaşık 600 metrelik alanda içe doğru yıkılmış, tavan neredeyse yere yapışmış. Ortasında bir kuyu var. Taşların arasında bir iki odanın yarısının dışında bir harabeden farksız. Buranın gerçekten Mor Aho Manastırı olduğundan emin değiliz, hiç bir yazı ve amere yok. Yıkıntılar arasında dolaşırken bir duvarda sonradan yazılmış Süryanice bir not gözümüze çarpıyor. Yazının fotoğrafını çekip, bu yazının bir ipucu olması umuduyla taşların suskunluğuna bakarak ayrılıyoruz.

Fotoğrafı kime göndereceğimi düşünürken, aynı günlerde İsveç'te yaşayan Süryani tarihçi Jan Beth-Şawoce'nin röportajı ANF'de yayınlandı. Ne tesadüftür ki fotoğrafı gönderdiğim Şawoce yazının sahibini tanığını söyledi. O yazıda ise şunlar yer alıyordu: "Ben Gabriel Rabo kardeşlerimle bu Mor Aho manastırını, Kaddis Mor Aho anma gününde ziyaret ettim."

Gabriel Rabo Almanya'da yaşıyordu ve yıkılmış kiliselerin izini sürerken onun da yolu Mor Aho manastırına düşmüştü. Şu anda Göttingen Üniversitesi'nde Süryani bilimi üzerine çalışan ve doktora tezini Süryani kilise tarihi üzerine yazan Rabo, manastırın izinde önemli bir kaynak oldu ve elindeki bilgi-belgeleri bizimle paylaştı.


M.S. 770 yılı civarında inşa edilen ve "Dayro da-Slibo" (haç manastırı) olarak bilinen Mor Aho manastırı, Süryanilerin kutsal mekanları Hasankeyf ve Tur Abdin'in arasındaydı.

Süryanice'deki "Hesno d-Kifo" ya da kısaltınca "Hesn Kef" kelimelerinden gelen Hasankeyf "kaya kalesi" anlamına geliyor. Hasankeyf, yüzlerce yıl Süryani metropolitlerin elindeydi, zenginliğin, bereketin ve bilimin yuvası olarak hüküm sürdü.

Her bir bölgeye Kürtlerin 'matran' dediği metropolitler bakardı. Tarih kitapları, M.S. 325 yılında bugünkü İznik olan Nikiya'da toplanan Hıristiyanlığın ilk Ekumenik Konsil'ine (Evrensel Dini Kurulu) Hasankeyf metropolitinin de katıldığını yazar. Buranın 1543 metropoliti Mor Baselios Yakub'tu, son metropoliti 1915'te katledildi.

"Tanrıya hizmet edenlerin dağı" anlamına gelen Tur Abidin ise Midyat ve civarı. Kimi tarihçilere göre burada yaşayan Süryani ve Kürtlere "Tori" denilmesinin kökü Süryanicedeki "Tur" (dağ) yani "Tur Abdinli". Süryani patriği Mardin’de bulunan Dayrulzafaran Manastırın’daydı. 1915 jenosidinde sonra 1924’ta patrik Ignatios III. İlyas Şakir, son anda kaçarak canını zor kurtarmıştı. Şakir 1932'de vefat edince yerine Ignatios Afrem Barsavm geldi.

Suriye'nin Humus kentinde 1957 yılında ölen kadar patrik kalan Barsavm'un özelliği 1915'ten önce Tur Abdin ile diğer Süryani bölgelerini dolaşarak elyazma kitabları kayd etmesi ve bunlardan bilgi ve belgeleri toplaması, kilise tarihlerini not etmesiydi. Onun bilgileri sayesinde bir parça Süryani tarihi katliamdan nasibini almamış günümüze ulaşmıştı. Ignatios Afrem Barsavm, 1910'de Mor Aho manastırına da uğramış ve 4 yıl sonra yok olacak manastırın kütüphanesinden yıllara göre şu bilgileri not etmişti:

- 1507: Manastır icin rahip Yusuf Hesn Kef, Mor Zoxe kilise avlusunda bulunan mağarada bir elyazması yazmış.
- 1543: Bu manastırda Rahip Abrohom, Rahip Saliba ve Rahip Markus yaşıyordu. Bu yıllarda yönetici Rahip Abrohom'du.
-  1568: Gevargis ve Hasna oğlu Abdelmesih bu büyük manastırda güzel binalar inşa etti. Tur Abdin patriği Yakub inşayı idaresi etti ve büyük bir miktarda para harcadı.
- 1679: Manastırda bulunan Attafiyeli rahip Mesud, Zazli rahip Yeşu (Dafne'de bulunan "habis” (ibadet odası) olarak bilinen yerde kalıyordu), Kafro’lu Habib ve Şammas Abdelnur.
- 1754: Dafne (Üçyol) köyünde bilinen Keşiş Yeşe (Isa), Keşiş Yusuf ve köy başkanı David vardı. Bu köyün kilise isimleri Mor Izozoel ve Mor Sobo'dır.
- Attafiye köyünün papazları; Abrohom, Saliba, Abrohom, Yuhanon, Abrohom ve Rahip David. (Bu kadar çok sayıdaki papazdan manastıra birkaç km uzaklıktaki bu köyün büyük bir Süryani köyü olduğu anlamına geliyor).
- Manastırın mülkü çoktu. 1543’te Hesn Kef (Hasankeyf)'de mülk, ev ile Şuko Arixo (uzun sokakta) manastıra vakıf edilen dükkanlar vardı. Daha sonraki yıllarda 1546, 1567, 1617, 1645 yılları arasındaki belgeler manastıra vakıf edilen arazilerin arttığını gösteriyor.


Ignatios Afrem Barsavm'un notları bununla sınırlı. Ayrıca manastıra ait 1171'de ölen Malatyalı ünlü Süryani bilgin Dionysius Bar Salibi'nin eserlerin elyazmaları vardı. İsmi Mayıs 2012'de Diyarbakır'da bulunan Meryem Ana Süryani Kilisesi'nin olduğu sokağa verilen Bar Salibi'nin bu kitabı şu anda Londra'daki Britanya Kütüphanesi'nde. Kitabın tam tarihi yok ama 13. veya 14. yüzyılda yazıldığı tahmin ediliyor.

Bu kitaptan Mor Aho manastırının kitap yayınladığını ve bölgedeki din adamlarının uğrak yeri olduğunu anlıyoruz. Süryani kaynakları ayrıca bu manastırda en az üç metropolitin yetiştiğini yazar. 1911'deki notlardan burada yaşadığı bilinen son kişinin ise Makdsi Abdelahad ailesinden rahip Yuhanon olduğunu öğreniyoruz.
Rahip Yuhanon 24 Nisan 1915'te başlayan jenosit günlerinde burada yaşayan diğer rahip arkadaşları gibi -15-20 arası din görevlisinin sürekli burada yaşadığı tahmin ediliyor- katledildi. Dicle'ye yaklaşık 150 metre yükseklikte kurulan manastırın kütüphanesi yakıldı, eşyaları yağmalandı, 1200 yıl boyunca ayin ve duaların yükseldiği avlusu susturuldu.

98 yıldır koca manastır derin bir sessizlikte. Kışın sıcak, yazın sıcak tutan 'ces' (sönmüş kireç) yapımı manastırın son duvarları da zamanla çürüyecek. İşte o zaman "Tanrıya hizmet edenlerin dağı" Tur Abdin'in dibinde akan Dicle duasız kalacak...

(Şu anda Türkiye ve Kuzey Kürdistan'da kalan 20 bin Süryani'den 3500'nün Tur Abdin ve civarında yaşadığı tahmin ediliyor.)

Daha fazla fotograflar icin:

Rätselraten um in Syrien entführte Bischöfe

Ungewissheit hat am Mittwoch über den Verbleib der am Montag im Norden Syriens entführten Bischöfe geherrscht, die nach Kirchenangaben am Dienstag angeblich wieder freigelassen wurden.

Das hatten mehrere Nachrichtenagenturen unter Verweis auf Kirchenkreise in Syrien und Rom gemeldet. Anderen Quellen wie dem britischen Nachrichtensender BBC zufolge klagten Familienmitglieder weiterhin, dass sie nichts über den Aufenthaltsort der beiden Geistlichen wüssten. Ob sie wirklich befreit wurden, sei demnach unklar, berichtete die BBC.

Unter Berufung auf syrische Quellen hatte das Ostkirchenwerk in Rom am Dienstagabend mitgeteilt, die Bischöfe seien wieder frei. Die beiden hohen Geistlichen waren am Montag von Unbekannten im nordsyrischen Aleppo verschleppt worden, niemand bekannte sich zunächst zu der Tat. Die Entführung der Bischöfe der syrisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Johanna Ibrahim, und der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche, Bulos Jasidschi, hatte große Besorgnis in der Kirche ausgelöst.

Papst fordert Freilassung

Papst Franziskus forderte die Freilassung der beiden Bischöfe. Er bete für ihre baldige Rückkehr, sagte der Papst am Mittwoch bei der Generalaudienz auf dem Petersplatz. Zugleich rief er die Konfliktparteien in Syrien erneut zu einer Beendigung des Blutvergießens auf. Es müsse eine politische Lösung gefunden werden. Zudem bedürfe es humanitärer Hilfe für die Bevölkerung.
Mar Bulos Jasidschi
Bischof der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche, Bulos Jasidschi

Islamistenbrigade verantwortlich?

Die Bischöfe waren am Montag von Bewaffneten verschleppt worden. Ihr Fahrer, ein Diakon, wurde getötet. Die Geistlichen wurden in einem von Rebellen kontrollierten Gebiet westlich von Aleppo angegriffen. Die Freie Syrische Armee distanzierte sich von der Entführung. Es wird vermutet, dass eine von Ausländern gegründete Islamistenbrigade dafür verantwortlich ist.
Die syrisch-orthodoxe Diözese erklärte, bei den Entführern handle es sich um „tschetschenische Dschihadisten“, ohne allerdings Angaben zu machen, worauf diese Aussage beruhte. Mar Gregorios und Jasidschi, der Bruder des griechisch-orthodoxen Patriarchen von Aleppo-Antiochia, Johanna Jasidschi, sollen in der Nähe des Dorfes Kafr Daal gefangen gehalten worden sein.

UNO-Sondergesandter Brahimi eingeschaltet

Nach Angaben des Aramäischen Weltrates mit Sitz in Schweden hatten die Entführer der beiden Bischöfe mit den betroffenen Kirchen in Syrien Kontakt aufgenommen. Die Kidnapper forderten kein Lösegeld, hieß es, sondern die Freilassung von Rebellen. In die Bemühungen um die Freilassung der Bischöfe wurden auch der UNO-Sondergesandte Lakhdar Brahimi und der griechische Außenminister eingeschaltet.
Mar Gregorios Johanna Ibrahim
Bischof der syrisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Johanna Ibrahim

Aleppo beherbergt Gläubige aus vielen altchristlichen Gemeinschaften. So ist die historische nordsyrische Stadt Sitz eines syrisch-orthodoxen, griechisch-orthodoxen, römisch-katholischen, armenisch-katholischen und eines griechisch-katholischen (melkitischen) Bischofs. Mar Gregorios hatte bei einem Aufenthalt in Wien im vergangenen November gesagt, massive Kräfte in Syrien seien an einer Vertreibung der Christen aus ihrer historischen Heimat interessiert. „Wir sind völlig erschöpft.“ Sein Leben sei in Gefahr, er wolle aber bei seiner Gemeinde ausharren.

Mittwoch, 24. April 2013

KRONE: Verwirrung um zwei entführte Bischöfe in Syrien. Doch nicht frei

Verwirrung um zwei entführte Bischöfe in Syrien (Bild: AP) 
24.04.2013, 12:17
Ungewissheit und Verwirrung herrscht derzeit über den Verbleib der am Montag im Norden Syriens entführten christlichen Bischöfe. Nach Angaben der griechisch- orthodoxen Erzdiözese Aleppo von Mittwochvormittag sind die beiden Geistlichen noch immer nicht befreit. Am Dienstagabend hatten oppositionsnahe Pressedienste und internationale Nachrichtenagenturen von einer Freilassung berichtet. Dem widersprach nun jedoch ein Sprecher der Erzdiözese: "Was wir sagen können, ist nur, dass sie nicht befreit sind."
Wie es aus der Stiftung "Pro Oriente" am Mittwoch hieß, hätten Vertreter der Opposition am Dienstag erklärt, die Bischöfe seien an der Frontlinie freigelassen worden. Sie hätten dort die Möglichkeit gehabt, nach Aleppo zurückzukehren. Allerdings kam keiner von ihnen bis Mittwochmittag in der Stadt an.
Die Hintergründe der Entführung sind weiterhin unklar. Das Oberhaupt der syrisch- orthodoxen Kirche im nordsyrischen Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim (rechts im Bild), sowie das dortige Oberhaupt der griechisch- orthodoxen Kirche, Bulos Yazigi (links im Bild), waren am Montag in einem von Rebellen kontrollierten Gebiet westlich von Aleppo angegriffen und verschleppt worden.
Die Freie Syrische Armee distanzierte sich von der Entführung. Es wird vermutet, dass eine von Ausländern gegründete Islamisten- Brigade dafür verantwortlich ist. Die syrisch- orthodoxe Diözese erklärte am Dienstag, bei den Entführern handle es sich um "tschetschenische Dschihadisten", ohne allerdings Angaben zu machen, worauf diese Aussage beruhte.

Kidnapper fordern Freilassung von Rebellen

Nach Angaben des Aramäischen Weltrates mit Sitz in Schweden hatten die Entführer der beiden Bischöfe mit den betroffenen Kirchen in Syrien Kontakt aufgenommen. Die Kidnapper forderten kein Lösegeld, sondern die Freilassung von Rebellen.
Glaubensvertreter weltweit hatten sich bestürzt und entrüstet über den Zwischenfall gezeigt. Die Entführung sowie die Ermordung des Fahrers der Bischöfe sei eine "dramatische Entwicklung der tragischen Situation", hieß es etwa in einer Vatikan- Erklärung vom Dienstag.

Geistlicher prophezeit "Verlierer auf beiden Seiten"

Ibrahim hatte sich im vergangenen November in Wien aufgehalten und erklärt, in dem "schmutzigen Krieg innerhalb von Syrien" werde es "auf beiden Seiten nur Verlierer" geben. Er warnte zugleich vor einer ethnischen oder religiösen Spaltung Syriens und sprach sich trotz allen Leides gegen einen gezielten Exodus der Christen aus ihrer historischen Heimat aus.
Etwa ein Zehntel der 23 Millionen Syrer sind Christen. Der zum Bürgerkrieg ausgewachsene Aufstand gegen Präsident Bashar al- Assad, der seit mehr als zwei Jahren andauert und mittlerweile rund 70.000 Menschenleben gefordert hat, wird unter anderem von radikalen Islamisten getragen.

NZZ: Keine Spur der entführten Bischöfe

Bürgerkrieg in Syrien

Der griechisch-orthodoxe Erzbischof von Aleppo, Bulos Yazigi (links), und sein syrisch-orthodoxer Kollege Yohanna Ibrahim, welche am Montag entführt wurden, sind von der Bildfläche verschwunden.
Der griechisch-orthodoxe Erzbischof von Aleppo, Bulos Yazigi (links), und sein syrisch-orthodoxer Kollege Yohanna Ibrahim, welche am Montag entführt wurden, sind von der Bildfläche verschwunden. (Bild: Keystone)
Jürg Bischoff, Beirut
Die Erzbischöfe der syrisch-orthodoxen und der griechisch-orthodoxen Diözese von Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim und Bulos Yazigi, sind entgegen Meldungen aus kirchlichen Kreisen vom Dienstagabend immer noch in der Hand ihrer Entführer. Sie sind bis am Mittwoch nicht wiederaufgetaucht. Über die Identität der Geiselnehmer gibt es nur Spekulationen. Am Dienstagabend hatte eine französische Vereinigung zur Unterstützung der Christen im Orient die Freilassung der Bischöfe gemeldet, was in syrischen Kirchenkreisen bestätigt wurde. Wie oft in solchen Fällen könnte die Falschmeldung auf Bemühungen zur Freilassung der Geiseln zurückzuführen sein, die im letzten Moment scheiterten.

Tschetschenische Jihadisten?

Die Patriarchen der beiden betroffenen Kirchen haben die Entführer aufgerufen, das Leben der zwei Geiseln zu achten. Die syrische Regierung ergriff die Gelegenheit, die Entführung als Akt einer Extremistengruppen darzustellen. Laut Damaskus ist es eine Gruppe von tschetschenischen Jihadisten, welche die Bischöfe entführte, eine Vermutung, die auch aus syrischen Kirchenkreisen zu hören war. Die beiden Metropoliten waren laut Kirchenkreisen und der Regierung in einer «humanitären Mission» unterwegs, möglicherweise um die Freilassung anderer Geiseln zu erreichen.

Libanons Präsident warnt

Nach Aufrufen libanesischer Salafisten zum Jihad in Syrien hat der libanesische Präsident Michel Suleiman die Libanesen davor gewarnt, Waffen und Kämpfer nach Syrien zu schicken. Suleiman erinnerte an Libanons offizielle Politik der Abgrenzung vom Krieg in Syrien, die sich immer mehr als frommer Wunsch herausstellt. Einerseits schickt der Hizbullah Kämpfer über die Grenze, um schiitische Dörfer vor dem Ansturm sunnitischer Rebellen zu schützen, andererseits gehen libanesische Salafisten nach Syrien, um gegen den schiitischen Hizbullah zu kämpfen.
Die libanesische Armee kann diesen Grenzverkehr ebenso wenig verhindern wie den Waffenschmuggel oder die Beschiessung libanesischen Territoriums durch syrische Regierungstruppen und Rebellen. Auch wenn die Libanesen Angst davor haben, in den syrischen Strudel hineingezogen zu werden, haben die meisten von ihnen klar für die eine oder andere Seite im Bürgerkrieg Stellung bezogen.

2 kidnapped Syrian bishops remain missing

From Saad Abedine, CNN
April 24, 2013 -- Updated 1459 GMT (2259 HKT)
Enthroanment in Damascus of Yuhanna X Yazigi as the Patriarch of Antioch, on February 10, 2013.

(CNN) -- Two Syrian Orthodox bishops remain missing two days after being kidnapped, with each side in the civil war blaming others for the snatching.
The whereabouts of the two prominent clergymen, Greek Orthodox Bishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Bishop John Ibrahim, remain unknown, despite some reports to the contrary, Greek Orthodox Bishop Mousa Khoury told CNN.
There have been several kidnappings of Christian clergymen in Syria but the two bishops are the most senior church figures who have been abducted since the beginning of the uprising.
The Syrian regime's Ministry of Religious Endowment issued a statement blaming "this brutal act" on Chechen mercenaries operating under the mantle of Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda. The government did not provide evidence to back up the claim.
 A spokesman for the Free Syrian Army said the government itself could be behind the kidnappings.
"The timing is very suspicious and we believe the Assad regime is behind the kidnapping," Louay Almokdad told CNN.
 Another opposition figure, Rami Abdurrahman of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, elaborated, saying they believe that non-Arab foreign fighters are behind the kidnappings.
"We know that there are foreign fighters who are infiltrated by the regime and the Assad regime is well known for being a ventriloquist of proxy groups that they set up in order to spread chaos, strife and to divide the ranks of the opposition," he said.
CNN cannot independently confirm the claims by either side.
Earlier, there were conflicting reports about the status of the bishops.
"The bishops were supposed to be released by the armed group yesterday evening; then we expected them to head back to their churches. But they didn't, so we are still carrying out all efforts to figure out what happened," Abdel Ahad Steifo, a prominent Syriac member of Syria's main opposition group, told CNN.
Steifo, who is in charge of the negotiations for the release of the clergymen, says he does not know the identity of the kidnappers. But they are not part of the opposition, he said.
In an interview with the Vatican's Fides News Agency, the Chaldean bishop of Aleppo, Antoine Audo, said that at the root of the "scourge of kidnapping" is not politics, but "the pursuit of money on behalf of armed gangs."
Recent incidents of clergymen being kidnapped ended with their release after ransoms of thousands of dollars were paid, he said.
On Tuesday, the director of the Holy See press office, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Pope Francis is closely following the events in Syria.
The pope is "praying for the health and the liberation of the two kidnapped bishops," Lombardi said.
A number of Muslim clerics have also been killed and kidnapped in Syria, including a top Sunni cleric and longtime supporter of President Bashar al-Assad, Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Bouti, who was killed in a suspicious blast while teaching religious class in Damascus. Rebels and regime officials blamed each other for the assassination of al-Bouti.

Metropolit muammasında son gelişme

Metropolit muammasında son gelişme

AA. 24 Nisan 2013

Halep Süryani Ortodoks Metropoliti Yuhanna İbrahim ile Rum Ortodoks Metropoliti Pavlos Yazıcı'nın serbest bırakıldığı doğrulandı.

AA muhabirine konuşan Özgür Suriye Ordusu (ÖSO) Birleşik Komutanlığı Genelkurmay Başkanı Yardımcısı Fatih Hassun, kaçırılan metropolitlerin serbest bırakıldığını doğrularken, konuyla ilgili sahadaki komutanlarla iletişime geçtiklerini ancak can güvenliklerinin sağlanması için ne zaman ve nasıl serbest bırakıldıklarıyla ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi alamadıklarını kaydetti.
Serbest bırakılma haberinin Suriye'deki kilise yetkilileri tarafından basına verildiğini belirten Hassun, metropolitlerin şu an bir kilisede olduğunu söyledi.
Hassun, metropolitlerin Esad rejimi tarafından Suriyelilerin arasında dini çatışma yaşanması için kaçırıldığını öne sürerken, ne ÖSO ne de İslami cemaatlerin kaçırma olayıyla ilgisi olmadığını vurguladı.
Suriye'nin Halep kenti kırsalında Halep Süryani Ortodoks Metropoliti Yuhanna İbrahim ile Rum Ortodoks Metropoliti Pavlos Yazıcı'nın kaçırıldığı iddia edilmişti. Suriye Muhalif ve Devrimci Güçler Ulusal Koalisyonu (SMDK), Hıristiyan din adamlarının kimliği belirsiz kişilerce kaçırılmasından Esad rejiminin sorumlu olduğunu savunurken, ülkenin resmi televizyon kanalI, din adamlarının "teröristlerce" kaçırıldığını ileri sürmüştü.

Suriye'de kaçırılan metropoliti görüştü



AA - 24.04.2013 11:28:00
Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, Suriye'de kaçırılan Süryani metropolitle ilgili İstanbul Süryani Metropoliti Yusuf Çetin ile görüştü. 
Davutoğlu, Çetin'i Brüksel'den telefonla aradı. Çetin'in talebi üzerine yapılan görüşmede Davutoğlu, Suriye'de kaçırılan Süryani metropolit hususunda olayla ilk andan itibaren ilgilendiklerini ifade etti. Davutoğlu, her kanaldan bilgi derlemeye çalıştıklarını söyledi ve din adamının en kısa sürede serbest kalmasını temenni ettiğini belirtti.

Metropolit Yusuf Çetin ise Davutoğlu'nun ilgisine teşekkür etti.

Suriye'nin Halep kenti kırsalında Halep Süryani Ortodoks Metropoliti Yuhanna İbrahim ile Rum Ortodoks Metropoliti Pavlos Yazıcı'nın kaçırıldığı iddia edilmişti. Suriye Muhalif ve Devrimci Güçler Ulusal Koalisyonu (SMDK), Hristiyan din adamlarının kimliği belirsiz kişilerce kaçırılmasından Esed rejiminin sorumlu olduğunu savunurken, ülkenin resmi televizyon kanalI, din adamlarının "teröristlerce" kaçırıldığını ileri sürmüştü.

Öte yandan, Mardin-Diyarbakır Metropolti Saliba Özmen de Suriye'de iki din adamının kaçırılmasına ilişkin, "Bir an önce bulunmaları için girişimlerde bulunuyoruz. Bulunmaları için Türkiye'den destek bekliyoruz" dedi.

Özmen, Halep ve Antakya Rum Ortodoks Metropoliti Pavlos Yazıcı ile Halep Süryani Ortodoks Metropoliti Yuhhana İbrahim'in Suriye'de kaçırıldığı iddialarının doğru olduğunu belirtti. Din adamlarının şoförlerinin öldürülerek kaçırıldığını vurgulayan Özmen, "Bir an önce bulunmaları için girişimlerde bulunuyoruz. Türkiye'den destek bekliyoruz. İnşallah sağ salim bulunurlar" ifadelerini kullandı.

Antakya Ortodoks Kilisesi Vakfı Başkanı Fadi Hurigil de Halep'te yaşayan Metropolit Yazıcı'nın Türkiye'nin güney bölgelerindeki tüm Ortodoks kiliselerinin sorumlusu olduğunu ve yaklaşık 1 aydır Türkiye'de bulunduğunu belirtti. Yazıcı'nın güvenlik sorunları nedeniyle bir süredir Halep'e gidemediğini ifade eden Hurigil, şunları kaydetti:

"Kendisi Halep'te yaşıyordu. Ancak Halep'teki havaalanı kapalı olduğu için uzun süredir oraya gidemiyordu. Paskalya ayini yaklaştığı için Halep'teki kilise de olması gerekiyordu. Bunun için Halep'e gitmek istedi. Pazartesi günü öğleye doğru Cilvegözü Sınır Kapısı'ndan tek başına çıkış yaptı. Sınırı geçtikten sonra kendisini bekleyen araçla Suriye'ye hareket etti. Halep Süryani Ortodoks Metropoliti Yuhhana İbrahim ile sınırı geçtikten sonra buluştu. Yaklaşık 1-2 saat sonra da Halep'e yakın bölgede kaçırıldıklarını ve papaz olan şoförün öldürüldüğünü öğrendik."

Kaçırılma haberini aldıktan sonra yetkililerle temasa geçtiklerini ve Türk yetkililerin kendilerine çok yardımcı olduğunu dile getiren Hurigil, "Kaçırılan metropolitlerin serbest bırakıldığı haberleri gerçeği yansıtmıyor" dedi.

Spindelegger: „Entführte Bischöfe in Syrien sofort freilassen"

Religion dürfe nie als Rechtfertigungsgrund für Gewalttaten missbraucht werden

Wien, 24. April 2013 – „Ich bin zutiefst schockiert über die Entführungen von zwei syrischen Bischöfen und die Ermordung des Fahrers und verurteile diese auf das Schärfste. Diese Angriffe sind nicht akzeptabel. Religion darf niemals als Rechtfertigungsgrund für Gewalttaten und unrechtmäßige Einschränkungen der Rechte anderer missbraucht werden“, so Außenminister und Vizekanzler Michael Spindelegger anlässlich der berichteten Entführung zweier christlicher Würdenträger in Syrien.

Meldungen zufolge wurden gestern zwei Bischöfe, Mar Gregoriuos Yohanna Ibrahim und Boulus al-Yazigi, in von Rebellen und Regierungstruppen umkämpftes Gebiet an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze entführt. Entgegen anderslautender Berichte, wonach die Bischöfe freigelassen worden seien, sind diese weiterhin nicht aufgetaucht.

„Wir fordern ihre sofortige und bedingungslose Freilassung.  Wir stehen mit allen relevanten Stellen in Kontakt, um auf eine schnelle Lösung hinzuwirken. Dieser tragische Vorfall ist ein verheerendes Signal für die christlichen Minderheiten im Nahen Osten. Religiös motivierte Gewalttaten muss Einhalt geboten werden und wir werden uns auch in Zukunft mit allen uns zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln für Religionsfreiheit und den Schutz religiöser Minderheiten auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen“, so der Vizekanzler abschließend.

Rückfragehinweis:Bundesministerium für europäische
und internationale Angelegenheiten

Zwei orthodoxe Bischöfe in Syrien entführt

Artikel von 2013-04-23 09:05:16

Bewaffnete Angreifer haben am Montag in der Provinz Aleppo zwei orthodoxe Bischöfe entführt. Das melden die staatlichen Medien. Sie geben an, der syrisch-orthodoxe Bischof Yohanna Ibrahim und sein griechisch-orthodoxer Amtsbruder, Erzbischof Paul Yazigi, seien von Rebellen verschleppt worden. Die Beiden hatten versucht, humanitäre Hilfe in das Dorf Kfar Dael zu bringen. Der Fahrer der zwei Geistlichen, ein Diakon, ist offenbar getötet worden. Der Sprecher einer Oppositionsbewegung erklärt, die Bischöfe seien auf der Straße nach Aleppo in der Nähe der türkischen Grenze überfallen worden. Das syrisch-orthodoxe Bistum Aleppo gibt an, die Entführer seien Kämpfer aus Tschetschenien. Die Nachrichtenagentur adn-kronos will von syrischen Oppositionellen erfahren haben, die zwei Bischöfe würden noch an diesem Dienstag wieder freigelassen.

Der Vatikan reagierte besorgt auf die Entführung der zwei Bischöfe in Syrien. Hier zeige sich erneut, in welch dramatischer Lage die Syrer und auch die syrischen Christen lebten, sagte Papstsprecher Federico Lombardi. Der Papst sei auf dem Laufenden über die Entführung, aber auch über die wachsende Gewalt der letzten Tage und die humanitäre Katastrophe in Syrien. Franziskus verfolge das Geschehen „mit tiefer Anteilnahme und intensivem Gebet“. Er hoffe auf „effiziente Antworten auf das humanitäre Drama“ und auf „reelle Friedens- und Versöhnungsperspektiven“.

In vielen Teilen der Welt fordern Kirchenleute und Politiker eine Freilassung der verschleppten syrischen Bischöfe. Auch das russisch-orthodoxe Patriarchat von Moskau appellliert an die Geiselnehmer. Der Vorsitzende der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Erzbischof Robert Zollitsch, erklärte in Bonn, Syrien dürfe nicht in einem Religionskrieg versinken. Der Vorsitzende der Unionsfraktion im Deutschen Bundestag, Volker Kauder, sprach von einer „feigen Entführung“; die Lage der Christen in Syrien erinnere immer mehr an die der Christen im Irak, welche durch Entführungen, gezielte Gewalt, Terrorakte und Erpressungen vermehrt zur Auswanderung gezwungen worden seien.

In den syrischen Wirren sind bislang sieben bekannte muslimische Geistliche getötet worden. Die zwei Bischöfe sind die höchstrangigen Kirchenleute, die bisher in den Bürgerkrieg verwickelt wurden. Insgesamt haben die kriegsähnlichen Unruhen in Syrien bisher über 70.000 Menschen landesweit das Leben gekostet. Christen stellen zwischen fünf und zehn Prozent der 23 Millionen Syrer. Sie sind von den Entführungen, die in den letzten Monaten zunehmen, überdurchschnittlich betroffen.

(reuter 23.04.2013 sk)

Dienstag, 23. April 2013

بيان صادر عن بطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس وبطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس

بيان صادر عن بطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس وبطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس
بيان صادر عن بطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس وبطريركيّة أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس

في 23 نيسان 2013

يوم الإثنين الواقع فيه الثاني والعشرين من نيسان 2013، فوجئنا بنبأ اختطاف أخوينا المطرانين بولس (يازجي)، مطران حلب والإسكندرون للروم الأرثوذكس، ويوحنّا (ابراهيم) مطران حلب للسريان الأرثوذكس، وهما في طريق عودتهما إلى حلب من مهمّة إنسانيّة. نحن، إذ نأسف لعمليّة الخطف هذه، كما لأيّة عمليّة مشابهة تطال المواطنين بغضّ النظر عن انتماءاتهم، نود أن نسجّل للرأي العام المحلّي والعالميّ ما يلي:

1 - المسيحيون في هذه الديار هم جزء عضوي من نسيج الشعوب التي ينتمون إليها، وهم يتألّمون مع كل متألّم، ويعملون كسعاة خير لرفع الظلم عن أيّ مظلوم، متخذين من تعليم إنجيلهم القدوة بأن المحبّة هي أساس تعامل الناس بعضهم مع بعض. والمواقف الرسميّة التي صدرت عن المقامات الروحيّة في الكنائس، على اختلافها، هي خير دليل على ذلك، كما تأتي المهمّة التي كان يقوم بها المطرانان المخطوفان في هذا السياق.

2 - يأسف المسيحيون في هذا المشرق لما تتعرّض له بلدانهم من عنف يباعد بين أبناء الوطن الواحد، ويعرّض حياة الآمنين لأخطار عدّة، يشكّل الخطف أحد أفظع أوجهها لما فيه من عبثيّة، واستباحة لحياة الأفراد العزّل. ونحن، إذ نناشد الخاطفين احترام حياة الأخوين المخطوفين، ندعو الجميع للكفّ عن كلّ الأعمال التي من شأنها أن تزرع الشقاق الطائفيّ والمذهبيّ بين أبناء الوطن الواحد.

3 - نحن نتفهّم القلق الذي يثقِل نفوس المسيحيين من جرّاء حادثة كهذه. وندعوهم إلى التصبّر، والتشبّث بمقتضيات إيمانهم، متكّلين على الله الذي تكمن قوّته حتى في ضعفاتنا، معتبرين أن الدفاع عن أرضنا يكون أوّلاً بالثبات فيها، وبالعمل على جعلها أرض محبّة وتعايش. ندرك أيضًا أن مواطنين من كلّ الطوائف يعانون الألم نفسه من جرّاء أعمال مماثلة، ونصلّي لكي يقوّيهم الله في محنهم، ونشدّ على أيديهم، كي نرفع جميعًا الصوت عاليًا لرفض كل أنواع العنف الذي يمزّق أجساد أوطاننا، ويدمي قلوبنا.

4 - في هذه المناسبة الأليمة، لايسعنا إلا أن ندعو العالم بأسره كي يسعى جاهدًا إلى إنهاء المأساة الجارية في سوريا الحبيبة، حتى تعود روضة محبة وأمان وتعايش، فلا تأتي المعادلات السياسيّة على حساب إنسان هذه الديار.

5 - كما ندعو الكنائس المسيحيّة في العالم كي تقف أمام الأحداث الجارية وقفة صلبة تشهد لإيمانها بفعل المحبّة في العالم، فتتخذ خطوات من شأنها ترجمة رفضهم لكل أنواع العنف التي يتعرّض لها إنسان المشرق اليوم.

6 - نغتنم الفرصة لنناشد شركاءنا في المواطنة، من المذاهب الإسلاميّة كافة، كي نتضافر وإيّاهم، فنُعْلِن ونعمل على رفض المتاجرة بالإنسان كسلعة سواء كان ذلك عبر جعله درعًا بشريًا في القتال، أو سلعة مقايضة ماليّة أو سياسيّة.

7 - ونتوجّه أخيرًا إلى الخاطفين لنقول لهم أن من تمّ اختطافهما هما رسولا محبّة في العالم، يشهد لهما عملهما الديني، والاجتماعيّ، والوطنيّ. لذلك، ندعوهم إلى التعامل مع هذه الحادثة المؤلمة بعيدًا عن أيّ تشنّج لا يخدم في النهاية إلا أعداء الوطن.

أخيرًا، نضرع إلى الله، في هذه المواسم المباركة، كي تنتهي هذه المأساة بسرعة، وتعود الطمأنينة إلى نفوس الجميع، وتنعم بلادنا بما تستحق من ازدهار وسلام.

البطريرك مار إغناطيوس زكا الأول عيواص ـــ البطريرك يوحنا العاشر (يازجي

Vorsitzende der CDU/CSU Kauder: Syrische Bischöfe müssen freigelassen werden


Syrische Bischöfe müssen freigelassen werden

Feige Entführung ist ein weiterer Schlag gegen die Christen
  • Volker Kauder

Eines der beiden Entführungsopfer: Der syrisch-orthodoxe Bischof von Aleppo, Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim. Im Februar 2013 war er in Deutschland zu Besuch – bei der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen
 Foto: Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen
Am 22. April wurden der syrisch-orthodoxe Erzbischof von Aleppo, Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim und sein griechisch-orthodoxer Amtsbruder Boulos Yazigi, der Erzbischof von Aleppo und Iskenderum, von Aufständischen in Syrien brutal entführt. Ihr Verbleib ist unbekannt. Dazu erklärt Vorsitzende der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion Volker Kauder:

„Die feige Entführung der hohen Geistlichen ist ein weiterer Schlag gegen die Christen in Syrien. Wir verurteilen dieses Verbrechen, bei dem der Fahrer der Bischöfe hingerichtet wurde, auf das Schärfste. Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung der beiden Kirchenführer.

Mit großer Sorge beobachten wir die Entwicklung des Bürgerkrieges in Syrien, der der Bevölkerung unfassbares Leiden bringt. Das Assad-Regime, aber auch die islamistischen Kämpfer führen ihre Auseinandersetzung brutal und ohne Rücksicht auf die Menschen.

Gerade die syrischen Christen sind dabei in einer schwierigen Lage. Ihre geistigen Führer wie Erzbischof  Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim rufen zu Friede und Vernunft auf. Junge Christen entziehen sich dem Wehrdienst. Dennoch werden sie Opfer des Konfliktes.

Wir erinnern uns an das schreckliche Leiden der Christen im Irak, das viele der sich nun in Syrien abzeichnenden Züge trug. Entführungen, gezielte Gewalt, Terrorakte und Erpressungen haben zu einem Exodus der irakischen Christen geführt. Viele von ihnen leben als staatenlose Flüchtlinge in Syrien. Nun droht ihren Glaubensbrüdern und -schwestern dort das gleiche Schicksal.“

القصة الكاملة لخطف مطرانَي حلب للروم والسريان الأرثوذكس

2013 الثلاثاء 23 نيسان
مارلين وهبه
صُعقت الطائفة المسيحية في لبنان وسوريا مساء امس بخبر اختطاف مطرانين من خيرة مطارينها بينما كانا يؤديان مهمة من أسمى مهمات الرسائل الديانة المسيحية. فالمطرانان كانا في مهمّة إنقاذ في ريف حلب بهدف تحرير كهنة سريان وأرثوذكس كانوا اختطفوا منذ أكثر من شهرين، بعد مفاوضات كثيفة سرية بينهما وبين الجهة الخاطفة عشية عيد القديس جاورجيوس. إلّا أن مجموعة شيشانية اعترضت طريقهما ورمت بالمرافقَين المدنيَّين أرضاً وفرّت بالمطرانين الى جهة مجهولة.
المطرانان المختطفان هما المطران يوحنا ابراهيم متروبوليت حلب للسريان الأرثوذكس، وبولس اليازجي مطران حلب والأسكندرون وتوابعهما للروم الأرثوذكس، وشقيق بطريرك الروم الأرثوذكس يوحنا العاشر اليازجي الذي ألمّته مصيبة مزدوجة.

إلّا أنّ المطران متى الخوري وهو السكرتير البطريركي لبطريرك السريان الارثوذكس زكا الاول عيواص، تحدّث لـ"الجمهورية" بالنيابة عن البطريرك الذي صودف خروجه من المستشفى ليلة وقوع الحادثة، وأكد بصفته أيضاً مطران باب توما في دمشق أنّ البطريركية لن تتخذ أي قرار في انتظار أي اتصال من الجهة الخاطفة لمعرفة نواياها ومطالبها.

وكشف لـ"الجمهورية" أن المساعي الاخيرة تؤكد لهم أنّ المطرانَين سيبيتان في مطرانيتهما ليل اليوم بعد دخول جماعة مهمة على خط المفاوضات، وهذا الكلام، يضيف الخوري أكده لهم الكاهن التابع لبطريركية السريان في حلب في اتصاله الأخير، إلّا أنّ الخوري أكد "أننا كرجال دين مسيحيين لا نخاف من المسلم السوري، ولا مشكلة لدينا مع اي مسلم سوري سواء كان سنياً، شيعياً، او علوياً. بل مشكلتنا هي مع المسلمين الغرباء الذين يأتون من الخارج، أي الشيشاني والطالباني والأفغاني الذي يريد مثلاً محاربة روسيا في منطقتنا"، مضيفاً: "نحن نعيش مع المسلمين السوريين منذ زمن ونتعايش معهم بسلام، وجمعتنا الأعياد ووحّدتنا التقاليد".

وشدد الخوري على أنّ المسلمين من جميع الطوائف هم الذين بنوا بطريركيتنا في باب توما وزخرفوها ونحتوا لنا أيقونات لمار جرجس".

كما اكد الخوري لـ"الجمهورية" أنّ جميع أبنائه المسلمين الذين نزحوا من حمص وقابلهم في لبنان اكدوا له أن لا علاقة للمسلمين السوريين بالذي يحصل، وتأسفوا للوضع الحالي الذي وصلت اليه حمص، وهم يتخوّفون من الجماعات الغريبة التي أتت من الخارج"، مشيراً إلى أنّ "المسلم السوري لا يشكل مصدر خوف بالنسبة إلى المسيحي السوري والتاريخ يشهد".

تفاصيل عملية الخطف

ويروي المطران متّى الخوري لـ"الجمهورية" تفاصيل ما حصل: "بعد جهد استطاع أحد كهنتنا في حلب الاتصال بنا وتأكيد خبر خطف المطرانين يوحنا ابراهيم وبولس اليازجي، اللذين كانا في مهمّة إنسانية حضّرا لها منذ فترة طويلة، لإنقاذ كهنة أرثوذكس وكاثوليك. وقد رافقهما شخص يدعى فتوح وهو سائق المطران ابراهيم منذ أكثر من 5 أعوام، وشخص رابع لم تُحدّد هويته.

وخلال توجّههم الى المنطقة المحددة لتنفيذ المهمة التي كانت حسب معلومات "الجمهورية" جاهزة وشارفت نهايتها بهدف تحرير الكهنة، اعترضت سيارتهم مجموعة غريبة.

ويكشف الخوري أنّ المعلومات الأوّلية تُظهر أنّ المجموعة الخاطفة شيشانيّة، ولمّا رأت أنّ اثنين من الركّاب علمانيّان، رمتهما من السيارة وفرّت بالمطرانين اليازجي وابراهيم نحو جهة مجهولة.

ويؤكّد الخوري أنّ الشخص الرابع المجهول الهوية "صديق حميم للمطران اليازجي، ويعتقد أنّه كان يلعب دوراً أساسيّاً في عملية الإفراج عن الكهنة الرهائن"، كاشفاً أنّ السائق وهذا الشخص اتّجه كلّ منهما في طريق. وبعد ساعات وصل الخبر من عائلة السائق فتوح التي اتّصلت بمطرانية حلب وأبلغتها أنّه عُثر على ابنها مقتولاً، وقد تمّ التعرف إليه من خلال أغراضه الشخصية. أمّا الشخص الرابع فلم يُعرف مكانه حتى الساعة". ولكنّ الخوري يؤكّد لـ"الجمهورية" أنّه حرّ طليق، "وهو الذي أبلغ أنّ المجموعة الخاطفة لم تتعرّض لهما بل رمتهما الى جانب الطريق قبل أن يتوجّه كلّ منهما بطريق مختلف، وهذا يؤكّد أنّ الجهة التي التقت بالسائق فتوح وأردته قتيلاً لا علاقة لها بالجهة الخاطفة".

ويروي الخوري أنّ "اتفاق الإفراج عن الرهائن قضى بأن يأتي المطران اليازجي من تركيا، على أن ينطلق المطران ابراهيم من حلب ويلتقيا في المنطقة المُتفق أن تجري فيها عملية تحرير الكهنة".

ويوضح الخوري، وهو المسؤول عن بطريركية باب توما في دمشق والمتابع الحالي للبطريركية السريانية الأرثوذكسية، أنّ الشخص الرابع قد أكّد هذه الرواية، فهو قال إنّ ملامح الخاطفين تؤكّد أنّهم غرباء، والشيشان يتميّزون بلهجتهم ولونهم (لحى - بياض الوجه - عيون زرقاء... إضافة إلى اللغة)، لذلك المعلومات التي لدينا نستقيها من الرجل الرابع، صديق المطران اليازجي.

ويلفت الخوري إلى أنّ عائلة فتوح قد تسلّمت جثته وتعرّفت إليه، مشدّداً على "أنّنا نسلّم أنّ الخاطفين هم غير قتلة السائق، وأنّهم من الشيشان، حسب قول الشخص الرابع، لكنّنا لسنا متأكّدين هل هم شيشان فعلاً أم ينتمون الى جهة أخرى". ويضيف: "ننتظر اتصال الجهة الخاطفة بنا أو بالبطريركية أو بمطرانية حلب لنعرف مطالبها، ومصادرنا تؤكّد أنّ المساعي تتواصل للإفراج عن المطرانين لذلك ارتأينا التريّث في نشر بيان، وحتى الساعة لم نتصل ببطريركية الروم الأرثوذكس. فنحن نعمل منفردين بهدوء وهذا لا يعني أنّنا لا نريد التعاون، بل على العكس نريد العمل كلٌّ على حِدة، لأنّنا لا نريد التسرّع في قراراتنا حتى لا نعرّض حياة المطرانين للخطر".

ودعا الخوري إلى "انتظار المهلة القانونية، وهي 24 ساعة، قبل عقد اجتماع موسّع واتّخاذ القرارات الكبيرة"، موضحاً "أنّنا لا نملك معطيات كثيرة لنعمل، ووضعنا كبطريركية لا نُحسد عليه، ونحن نعيش حال أسىً وحزن وألم، ومستاؤون من هذه الأخبار، خصوصاً البطريرك زكّا عيواص، وهو قد خرج اليوم من المستشفى وحاله الصحّية حرجة، وقد فاجأه الخبر وزاد من ألمه".

ويشدّد الخوري على "أنّنا كنّا وما زلنا نستنكر التعرّض لجميع الكهنة، إن كانوا من طائفتنا أو من غير طائفة كما استنكرنا وفاة جميع رجال الدين المسلمين لأنّ رجال الدين عموماً رسالتهم السلام والمحبة، وموقفهم ليس مع المعارضة ولا ضدّها، إنّما موقفهم إنسانيّ بحت".

ووصف الخوري وضع المطرانية بأنّها "مربَّطة" ولسنا قادرين على اتّخاذ أيّ قرار أو إصدار أيّ بيان لأنّنا لا نريد تعريض المطرانين للخطر.

ويوضح أنّ "مطالب الخاطفين غالباً ما تكون مادّية أو بهدف الضغط السياسي أو الضغط على الدولة لتحقيق تبادل، أي قد يكون لدى الجهة الخاطفة مجموعة أسماء تريد إجراء تبادل فيها". ويؤكّد أنّ "حادثة الخطف لن تكون سهلة على المسيحيّين في سوريا، لأنّ المطران اليازجي مقرّب من النظام السوري ومن المعارضة، وعلاقاته جيّدة مع الطرفين على حدّ سواء، وهو يتمتّع بحنكة سياسية، ولطالما عبّر عن رأيه، ومطالبه هي نفسها مطالب السوريين الشرفاء، أي تحقيق الإصلاحات ومكافحة الفساد".

وينفي الخوري أن يكون للمطرانين عداوة مع أيّ جهة معينة "لذلك أيّدنا احتمال أن لا تكون الجهة الخاطفة قريبة من النظام أو من المعارضة وأن تكون غير سوريّة"، مضيفا: "قد يكونون متطرّفين أفغان أو شيشان، "جبهة النصرة"، ليبيّين، مصريّين أتوا من الخارج. ونحن لا نعلم مع من كان المطران اليازجي يتواصل للإفراج عن الكهنة، ولكن الأغلب أنّه لا يتواصل مع الغرباء بل مع الجيش السوري الحر، وقد يكون تسرّب خبر مجيئهم أو قد تكون عملية الخطف حصلت صدفة لأنّ المنطقة ليست آمنة".

ويدعو الخوري إلى التريّث، مشيراً إلى أنّ الشخص الرابع "تمكّن بصعوبة من الحصول على هاتف والتواصل مع مطرانية حلب للروم الأرثوذكس، وإذا لم تُحلّ القضية غداً (اليوم) ويعود المطرانان إلى مقرّيهما سنعمل على مستوى البطريركيتين".

ويُعرب الخوري عن تعاطفه مع البطريرك يوحنا العاشر اليازجي الذي يواجه مشكلة مزدوجة، عائلية ودينية"، مؤكّداً أنّ قلبه كبير وسيتعامل بالأسلوب نفسه أكان المخطوف شقيقه أو أيّ أحد آخر من أبناء الطائفة".

ويحذّر الخوري من أنّ "الاجتهاد في التحليل قد يشكّل خطراً على المطرانين، لذلك يجب التريّث لأنّ كلّ جهة خاطفة لها طريقة تعامل معيّنة، ونحن لا نريد التهوّر والتضحية بحياتهما".

ويختم الخوري بالقول: "عيد القدّيس جاورجيوس اليوم بالنسبة إلى البطريركية السريانية والمطارنة هو عيد للصلاة حتى يتحرّر جميع الكهنة المخطوفين ولا سيّما المطرانين اليازجي وابراهيم"، داعياً اللبنانيّين عموماً والمسيحيّين خصوصاً إلى "مشاركتنا الصلاة عن نيتهم للإفراج السريع عنهم والإفراج عن أسر الوطن".

The Whole Story of the Kidnapping of the Syriac Orthodox and Greek Metropolitans of Aleppo

  al-Joumhouria, 23.4.2013

The two kidnapped metropolitans are Metropolitan Youhanna Ibrahim, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, and Boulos Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo and Alexandretta, brother of Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yazigi, who has been struck with a double tragedy.

Bishop Matta Khoury, secretary to Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Zakka I Iwas, spoke to al-Joumhouria on behalf of the patriarch, who had just come out of the hospital on the night of the incident. He confirmed, also in his capacity as Bishop of Bab Touma in Damascus, that the Patriarchate will not take any decision while awaiting any contact from the kidnappers, in order to know their intentions and demands.
Khoury states that, "As Christian clergy, we do not fear Syrian Muslims. We have no problem with any Syrian Muslims, whether they are Sunni, Shii, or Alawi. Rather, our problem is with foreign Muslims who come from abroad, Chechens, Taliban, Afghans who want, for example, to fight Russia in our region. " He adds, "We have lived with Syrian Muslims for a long time and we coexist with them in peace. We are brought together by feasts and united by traditions." Khoury emphasizes that "Muslims from all sects have built our patriarchal residence in Bab Touma, decorated it, and carved icons of Saint George for us."
Khoury likewise affirms to al-Joumhouria that his Muslim children who fled from Homs and whom he met in Lebanon confirm to him that "there is no connection between Syrian Muslims and what is happening. They are sorry about what has happened in Homs and are afraid of the foreign groups that have come from abroad." He points out that, "the Syrian Muslim does not constitute a source of fear for the Syrian Christian, as history testifies."
Details of the Kidnapping
Bishop Matta Khoury recounts to al-Joumhouria the details of what happened: After some effort, one of our priests in Aleppo was able to contact us and to confirm the kidnapping of Metropolitans Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi, who were on a humanitarian mission that they had been preparing for a long time, obtaining the release of an Orthodox and a Catholic priest. They were accompanied by a man named Fatuh, who has been Metropolitan Ibrahim's driver for more than five years, and a fourth, unidentified person.
On their way to the specified area to carry out the task which, according to al-Joumhouria's information was ready and approaching its conclusion-- liberating the priests, their car encountered a foreign group.
Khoury reveals that initial information indicates that the kidnappers are Chechens and when they saw that two of those riding in the vehicle were laypeople, they threw them out of the car and fled with Metropolitans Yazigi and Ibrahim in an unknown direction.
Khoury confirms that the fourth, unidentified person is "a close confidant of Metropolitan Yazigi" and he believes that he was playing a fundamental role in the operation to release the priests who had been taken hostage. He reveals that this person and the driver were both thrown onto the road. After several hours, news arrived from Fatuh's family who contacted the Metropolitan's office in Aleppo and informed them that his son had found him murdered and had identified him from distinguishing characteristics. The whereabouts of the fourth person are still not known.
However, Khoury confirms that the fourth person is free and that "he is the one who made it known that the kidnappers did not attack the two of them, but rather threw them on the side of the road before each left in a different direction. He confirms that the party that found and murdered Fatuh are unconnected to the kidnappers."
Khoury recounts that, "the agreement to release the hostages required Metropolitan Yazigi to come from Turkey while Metropolitan Ibrahim set out from Aleppo, and that they would meet at an agreed-upon location in order to carry out the operation to liberate the priets."
Khoury, who is responsible for the patriarchal residence in Bab Touma in Damascus and is currently overseeing the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate, explains that the fourth person confirmed this story and said that the kidnappers' features indicate that they are foreigners. Chechens are distinguished by their accent and coloring (beards, light skin, and blue eyes, in addition to language) and so we deduce it from the information that we have from Metropolitan Yazigi's friend.
Regarding Fatuh's family, Khoury states that they received his body and identified him, emphasizing that "we acknowlege that the kidnappers are not the driver's killers and that, according to the fourth person, they are Chechens. However, we are not sure whether they are really Chechens or whether they belong to another group."
He adds, "We are waiting the kidnappers to contact us, the patriarchate, or the metropolitan's office in Aleppo so that we can know their demands. Our sources confirm that efforts continue to release the two metropolitans and for this reason we have waited to publish a statement and we have not yet contacted the Greek Orthodox patriarchate.
We are calmly working individually, but this does not mean that we do not want to cooperate. Just the opposite, we want each one to work separately because we do not want to make a hasty decision, lest we put the metropolitans' life in danger."
Khoury called for "Waiting for the legal deadline, 24 hours, before holding any wider meeting or making any serious decision." He explains that "We do not possess much information to act upon. Our position as a patriarchate is unenviable position. We live in a state of sorrow, grief, and pain and we are upset by this news, especially Patriarch Zakka Iwas, who left the hospital today and his health is critical. The news startled him and increased his pain."
Khoury emphasizes that, "We have always denounced and continue to denounce attacks on all priests, whether they are of our community or of another community, just as we denounce the death of Muslim clergy because the mission of all clergy is peace and love. Their position with the opposition or the opposite, but rather a purely humanitarian position." Khoury described the metropolitan's office's position as "bound" and we are unable to take any decision or issue any statement because we do not want to subject the metropolitans to danger.
He explains that, "Kidnappers' demands are usually material or with the goal of political pressure, to pressuring the state to arrange an exchange. That is, the kidnappers may have a list of names they want to make an exchange for."
He states that, "The kidnapping will not be easy for Christians in Syria because Metropolitan Yazigi is close to the regime and to the opposition and he has equally good relations with both sides. He has political tact, and whenever he expresses his opinion, his demands are the same as the demands of honorable Syrians: reform and an end to corruption."
Khoury denies that the two metropolitans have enmity for any specific group, "and so we support the possibility that the kidnappers are neither close to the regime nor to the opposition and are not Syrian." He adds, "They could be Afghan or Chechen extremists, Jabhat al-Nusra, Lybians, or Egyptians who have come from abroad.
We do not know who Metropolitan Yazigi was in contact with in order to release the priests. However, it is most likely that he was not in contact with foreigners, but rather the Free Syrian Army. News of their coming may have been leaked or their kidnapping could have happened by chance, since the area is not secure."
Khoury calls for patience, pointing out that the fourth person "was only with difficult able to get to a telephone and communicate with the Greek Orthodox metropolitan's office in Aleppo. If the situation is not resolved tomorrow and the metropolitans return to their homes, we will work on the level of the two patriarchates."
Khoury expresses his sympathy for Patriarch John X Yazigi, who is facing a double problem, for his family and for his church. He states that his heart is large and that he would deal in the same way, whether the person being kidnapped is his brother or any other person from his community.
Khoury warns that "Over-analysis could cause danger for the metropolitans. For this reason we must be patient because each group of kidnappers has its own way of dealing and we do not want recklessness or their being killed."
Khoury closes by saying, "Today is the Feast of Saint George. For the Syriac Patriarchate and bishops, it is a feast for praying that all the kidnapped priests may be freed, especially Metropolitans Yazigi and Ibrahim." He calls on Lebanese in general and especially Christians to "participate in prayer for the intention of their speedy release and the release of the nation's captives."

Yakup Tahincioğlu son yolculuğuna uğurlandı

Kent Gıda’nın kurucusu ve Onursal Başkanı Yakup Tahincioğlu, Süryani Kadim Mezarlığı Kilisesi’nde düzenlenen törenle son yolculuğuna uğurlandı.

Güncelleme:22 Nisan 2013 17:02

İSTANBUL (İHA) - Süryani Kadim Mezarlığı Kilisesi’nde düzenlenen cenaze törenine sanayi sektörünün önde gelen isimleri ve çok sayıda aile yakını katıldı. Basına kapalı olarak gerçekleştirilen törende aile, taziyeleri kabul etti. İçişleri Bakanı Muammer Güler, Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Başkanı Ünal Aysal , Bakırköy Belediye Başkanı Ateş Ünal Erzen’in yanı sıra iş adamları ve aile dostları cenazeye çelenk göndererek taziyelerini iletti. Taziyeye gelen ziyaretçilere ise çıkışta cenaze törenine özel olarak hazırlanan şekerlemeler dağıtıldı. Cenaze töreninin ardından Yakup Tahincioğlu’nun naaşı Süryani Kadim Mezarlığı’na defnedildi.

New Yorker Times: Two Archbishops Abducted in Northern Syria

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Two Syrian archbishops from Aleppo were abducted on Monday while traveling outside that besieged northern city, the official news media and antigovernment activists reported, making them the most senior church clerics to become entangled as victims in the two-year-old civil war.

The government and insurgent groups blamed each other for the abduction of the two clerics, the Syriac Orthodox archbishop, Yohanna Ibrahim, and the Greek Orthodox archbishop, Paul Yazigi. Activists reached by telephone in the Aleppo area said the pair’s vehicle had been waylaid in the countryside by armed men who shot their driver.
Several prominent Muslim religious leaders have been persecuted or killed since the Syria conflict began more than two years ago, including the highest-ranking Sunni imam in the country in a bombing of his Damascus mosque last month. But until now the fighting had largely bypassed the clerical hierarchy of Syria’s Christian minority.
 Archbishop Ibrahim was known to have been supportive of President Bashar al-Assad and had urged his followers not to abandon Syria, but he had turned critical of the government recently. In an interview with the BBC on April 13, the archbishop said that perhaps a third of Syria’s Christians had left the country and that he could not blame them, considering the “difficult circumstances in terms of security and the threats they face daily.”
 In the same interview, the archbishop chided Mr. Assad’s government for “not dealing with the crisis in a better way.”
 Archbishop Yazigi was not known to be outspoken politically.
Syria’s official news agency, SANA, said the pair had been engaged in humanitarian work when they were seized in the village of Kfar Dael by “terrorists,” the government’s catchall term for the armed opposition.
Antigovernment activists said the pair had been in southern Turkey earlier Monday and had crossed back into Syria at the Bab al-Hawa crossing, which is controlled by insurgent forces. Aleppo, which has been a battleground of the insurgency since last summer, is about 40 miles south of the Turkish border.
The abduction of the clerics in northern Syria came as concern was intensifying about border tensions in western Syria with Lebanon. A Human Rights Watch report released Monday accused both the Syrian government and the insurgency of striking residential areas in Lebanon on several occasions and killing a number of its citizens. The cross-border attacks appeared to be largely indiscriminate, Human Rights Watch said.
While the Syrian government and armed opposition groups have both said that their attacks on Lebanese villages were in retaliation for provocations, Human Rights Watch said it had not found any evidence of military targets when it visited the Lebanese villages that had been attacked. Its report said the evidence “strongly suggests these attacks were indiscriminate and therefore violate the laws of war,” according to a summary of the report on its Web site.
Lebanon has officially adopted a policy of dissociation from the Syrian conflict, which has pitted President Assad’s Alawite minority against a Sunni-dominated rebellion, but violence is beginning to spill over the border, intensifying sectarian tensions in Lebanon.
Insurgents and their sympathizers have accused Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant group that supports Mr. Assad, of sending fighters into the Syrian town of Qusayr in recent weeks. On Sunday, rebel groups in Qusayr threatened to “transfer the battle of blood into the heart of Lebanon” because of what they called incitement by Hezbollah. Some rebel fighters in Qusayr also sent a message via Skype to comrades beseeching them to come and help defend against “the party of the devil” — a disparaging reference to Hezbollah, which translates from Arabic as “the party of god.”
Hezbollah has not commented on the Syrian rebels’ accusations, but it has said that Lebanese citizens living inside Syria have been attacked and that they have the right to defend themselves.
Anti-Assad activists also reported on Monday that the number of deaths from an attack by government forces on a town south of Damascus had risen to at least 101, mostly civilians, and could exceed 250 if the missing remain unaccounted for, which would make the attack one of the bloodiest since the conflict began two years ago.
The attack on the town, Jdeidet al-Fadel, which happened over this past week, has been described by the Syrian opposition as an intense campaign of shelling, burning and summary executions, while the official news media has described it as a cleanup operation against terrorists that had been welcomed by area villagers.
In other Syria developments, the main anti-Assad group, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, chose a caretaker leader to replace Sheik Moaz al-Khatib until a formal election can be held. Sheik Moaz, a Sunni cleric who signaled some weeks ago that he wanted to resign, was temporarily succeeded by George Sabra, a leftist Christian dissident and outspoken critic of Mr. Assad.

Syrian Bishops Mor Gregorius Yohanna Ibrahim And Paul Yazigi Kidnapped

Syrian Bishops Kidnapped: Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Archbishops of Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi Abducted

Reuters  |  By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Dominic Evans
Reuters  |  Posted:   |  Updated: 04/22/2013 5:47 pm EDT

By Dominic Evans

BEIRUT, April 22 (Reuters) - Two prominent Syrian bishops, who had warned of the threat to religious tolerance and diversity from the two-year conflict in their country, were kidnapped on Monday by armed rebels in the northern province of Aleppo, state media said.

SANA news agency said the Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Archbishops of Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi, were seized by "a terrorist group" in the village of Kfar Dael as they were "carrying out humanitarian work".

A Syriac member of the opposition Syrian National Coalition, Abdulahad Steifo, said the men had been kidnapped on the road to Aleppo from the rebel-held Bab al Hawa crossing with Turkey.

Several prominent Muslim clerics have been killed in Syria's uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, but the two bishops are the most senior church leaders caught up in the conflict which has killed more than 70,000 people across Syria.

Christians make up less than 10 percent of the country's 23 million people and, like other religious minorities, many have been wary of the mainly Sunni Muslim uprising against Assad, whose Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam.

Fears for their future if the rebels were to end 40 years of Assad dynastic rule, which ensured religious freedom without political rights, have increased with the growing strength of Islamist rebels and a pledge of allegiance to al Qaeda by the hardline Nusra Front rebels two weeks ago.

Steifo said Ibrahim had gone to collect Yazigi from the rebel-held Bab al-Hawa crossing because he had crossed there several times before and was familiar with the route.

The two men were driving to Aleppo when they were kidnapped, he added. Asked who was behind their abduction, Steifo said: "All probabilities are open."


Last September Ibrahim said that hundreds of Christian families had fled Aleppo as rebels and soldiers battled for control of the country's biggest city.

"In its modern history Aleppo has not seen such critical and painful times...Christians have been attacked and kidnapped in monstrous ways and their relatives have paid big sums for their release," he told Reuters.

In the central city of Homs, which saw the heaviest bloodshed earlier this year, he said several churches and Christian centres had been damaged in the fighting.

"Until a few months ago the idea of escaping had not crossed the minds of the Christians, but after the danger worsened it has become the main topic of conversation."

Neighbouring Iraq, where sectarian violence after the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein forced half the Christians to flee, offers frightening parallels for Syrian Christians, while the revival of Islamists in the 2011 Arab uprisings in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt also fills Syria's Christians with foreboding.

Writing in January, Yazigi said was important that the uprisings known as the "Arab Spring" should not jeopardise centuries of religious diversity in the Middle East.

"What is the spring without the diversity and richness of colours in comparison with the haze...of winter? Diversity is richness while monochromatic uniformity is a ticking bomb that kills its owner," he said.

(Additional reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis; Editing by Michael Roddy)

Video: Mor Gregorius Yuhanna Ibrahim in talkshow with Reuters

Terrorists Group Kidnap two Bishops in Aleppo Countryside

An official source in Aleppo told SANA that an armed terrorist group kidnapped Bishop Yohana  Ibrahim, Bishop of the Syriac Orthodox  in Aleppo and Bishop Boulos Yazigi, Bishop of the Greek Orthodox in Aleppo , while they were conducting human operations in Kafer Daeel in Aleppo countryside.
The source added that the terrorists intercepted the Bishops' car in the village and pulled down the driver, driving the car to unknown area.
B. Mousa / Mazen


Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Turkey’s Syriacs yearn to be able to teach Syriac to their children

The Mor Gabriel Monastery, the oldest surviving Syriac Orthodox monastery in the world, is at risk of being taken away from the Syriacs. (PHOTO AA, BARIŞKAN ÜNAL)
Turkey’s Syriacs have long been seeking ways to teach their ancient language, culture and religion to their children; they finally asked a court in Ankara to right a wrong and allow them to open schools which would include a Syriac education.
“My family has been living in Anatolia for centuries, but I don’t know Syriac. I wish there were kindergartens that started Syriac language education at an early age,” said Nazan Söğüt, who has a daughter in the eighth grade and a son in the third grade in İstanbul.

“We would like to have schools at the kindergarten level in accordance with the Education Ministry’s instructions and with certain hours of language courses in Syriac. We only want to prevent the death of our 5,500-year-old language,” said Ezel Muratoğlu, a mother of two children who live in İstanbul’s Moda district. The battle of Syriacs in the Turkish bureaucracy has failed a number of times in its effort to teach their children their ancient language. In the middle of last year, the local education authority in İstanbul did not give them permission to open kindergartens that could teach Syriac. The Syriacs then went to the directorate of private schools with the same demand, but to no avail.

“There are a number of regulations preventing these authorities from approving our demand. This happened despite great support from the highest authorities for our right to open such a school,” said Sait Susin, president of the Beyoğlu Virgin Mary Syriac Orthodox Church Foundation, in reference to deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç’s backing of Syriacs to open their own schools.

“Despite the fact that we have never wanted to seek our rights in court, we had to do it,” he told Sunday’s Zaman recently.

In November of last year, the Syriac community went to the Ankara 13th Administrative Court demanding action against the past decisions of several institutions that declined the community’s education request.
“The court informed us that we cannot give Syriac lessons in schools because we are not a ‘minority;’ we are a ‘primary component’ of this society,” said lawyer Süleyman Bektaş, who is handling the case on behalf of the Syriac community.

Bektaş added that if the Ankara court rejects their demand, then they will do whatever is necessary to pursue all other legal domestic venues. The Syriac community reminded the court that other non-Muslim communities -- Armenians, Jews and Greeks -- that have “minority” status as described in the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, can exercise their rights to education in their own schools, but that Syriac Christians -- an ethnic community indigenous to Turkey’s Southeast and some parts of Mesopotamia -- cannot.
“Authorities are engaged in double standards in regards to Syriacs. We are not regarded as ‘minorities’ even though we are non-Muslims,” Susin noted. “But when we want to become public officials and high-level office holders in the state and military bureaucracy, then they tell us that we are Christians,” he added. In a country of 73 million people, there are less than 25,000 Syriacs left, about 20,000 of them living in İstanbul. Most of the Syriacs in İstanbul live in the districts of Feriköy near Beyoğlu, and in the Yeşilköy, Florya, Bakırköy and Moda districts.

There are also Syriacs living in the southeastern province of Mardin, which had belonged to them for centuries. Conflicts, the latest of which was terrorism related to the Kurdish issue in the 1990s, led to their emigration. There are many more Syriacs overseas, and the biggest groups live in India and Sweden, 3 million and 100,000, respectively.

There have been Syriacs who returned to Turkey after repeated calls to return from the highest of Turkish officials, but those who returned are few in number -- only about 25 families -- who settled in their old villages in Mardin’s Midyat district.

“Turkey is taking steps to improve the rights of non-Muslim groups. We have seen comfort on this land as we have never seen during the history of the Turkish Republic, but most Syriacs feel they are still better off in Sweden,” Susin said.

Syriac church will be a first in the history of Turkey if built

The Syriac community of İstanbul has long been requesting authorities to allow the building of a Syriac church in the city. The İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality approved their request in December of last year, allowing the building of a new church for the first time in the history of the Turkish Republic.

Since they have been dwindling in numbers, most of Turkey’s non-Muslim communities do not need new churches to be built as the current functioning churches are enough to support their communities. But the Syriac Christians feel they need a church of their own in İstanbul since they have had to use other Catholic communities’ churches for their religious practices. “We lease facilities of sister churches, for example Latin Catholic churches, for religious services. Oftentimes, our ritual times clash with theirs,” Muratoğlu said.
The İstanbul municipality is expected to allocate a 2,000-square-meter plot of land in İstanbul’s Yeşilköy area to the Syriac Church Foundation for the construction of a church. If the project is brought to completion, it will mark the first time a municipality has allocated a place of worship to a non-Muslim community. The Beyoğlu Syriac Church of the Virgin Mary Foundation is about to present their architectural project for the church to the municipality. There are also other issues, such as discriminatory phrases in history textbooks against Syriacs, awaiting a solution.

In addition, Midyat’s Mor Gabriel Monastery, which has existed for 1,600 years, is at risk of being taken away from the Syriacs. Last year, the Supreme Court of Appeals rejected the Syriacs’ plea to overturn an earlier judgment that gave the land of the Mor Gabriel Monastery to the Treasury.
How the Mor Gabriel problem can be solved has currently been in limbo. The Council of the General Assembly of the Directorate General for Foundations (VGM) has been debating the issue to produce a solution for the last few months.

“We have great expectations for a solution. It can be solved if the government wants it,” Kuryakos Ergün, chairman of the Foundation of the Mor Gabriel Monastery, told Sunday’s Zaman.

Samstag, 20. April 2013

Ünlü Süryani işadamı Tahincioğlu vefat etti

Tahincioğlu Holding ile Kent Gıda AŞ'nin kurucusu Tahincioğlu hayatını kaybetti.

20 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi 17:12

Ünlü işadamı Tahincioğlu vefat etti
Türk sanayisinin duayenlerinden Tahincioğlu Holding ile Kent Gıda Maddeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ'nin
 kurucusu ve Onursal Başkanı Yakup Tahincioğlu hayatını kaybetti.

Tahincioğlu Holding'den yapılan açıklamada, vefat nedeniyle duyulan üzüntü ifade edildi.
Mardin'de 1933 yılında doğan Yakup Tahincioğlu, İstanbul İktisadi ve Ticari İlimleri Akademisi'nde okurken Kent Gıda Maddeleri AŞ'nin ilk nüvesini oluşturan ufak bir imalathane kurarak sanayi sektörüne ilk adımını attı.

Yakup Tahincioğlu, 50 seneyi aşkın meslek hayatı süresince kuruculuğunu ve yönetim kurulu başkanlığını yaptığı 60'tan fazla şirket bünyesinde 16 fabrika, 3 otel, 2 alışveriş merkezi de dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda tesisin kurulmasına öncülük etti.
Türk sanayisinin duayenlerinden olan Tahincioğlu, 25 yıl Türkiye Gıda İşverenleri Sendikası Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği yaptı.

Merhum işadamı, Mardinliler Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı (MAREV), Deyrulzafaran Manastırı Bakım, Onarım ve Yaşatma Derneği başta olmak üzere birçok vakıf ve derneğin kuruculuğu ve başkanlığı ile çok sayıda hayır kurumunda çeşitli vazifeler üstlendi.

İstanbul Süryani Ortodoks Vakfı'nın Yönetim Kurulu Başkanlığı'nı da yapan Yakup Tahincioğlu, 2011 yılında yayınlanan "Tarihleri, Kültürleri ve İnançlarıyla Süryaniler" kitabını da kaleme almıştı.